Victims of Domestic Violence find Off-Ramp with Chefs & Uptown East
It’s a sobering reality that around 90% of Valparaiso’s victims of domestic violence and sexual assault never access shelters like NWI’s The Caring Place. Most are concerned that their abusers will hurt or even kill them if they are seen entering a shelter. It gets worse, most victims feel helpless because they are put in a position where they are 100% dependent on the monsters that are inflicting the abuse.
But in Valparaiso, there’s an innovative solution for helping these victims find help, and it’s coming from the most unlikely of places- The Valpo Restaurant Group and Uptown East Apartments. These are the same people that bring Valpo so much joy and happiness. The same people that have always tried to make Valparaiso a special place to live!
Today, you’ll discover how victims of domestic violence are finding an off-ramp from life-threatening stress to hope and happiness!
Why Victims of Domestic Abuse Stay

As someone new to fundraising for The Caring Place, I was oblivious to why victims of domestic violence would stay in a relationship. That all changed when the silence was broken and I learned the truth! Most victims of domestic violence are trapped in abusive relationships. It gets worse! Without help, most of these people have no way out! You might ask yourself, why don’t victims of domestic violence and sexual assault just walk away? Why not just ask for help or drive to a shelter, like The Caring Place?
It’s very complex and beyond a single reason. In many cases, victims of abuse feel unable to leave. Quite often, the abusers use fear and control to keep the victim shackled. The abuser demonstrates love, gaining trust and confidence. This is often followed by intimidating the victim and making them afraid.
They threaten the abused victim with physical or sexual violence. That is when the abusers will take control by distancing the victims from family and friends. They limit economic freedom, credit, and the ability to leave the abuse. With chronic anxiety and a feeling of despair, the abused victims stay.
While you might think leaving an abusive relationship will help the victim become safe, the reality is, leaving can elevate the threat to their life. All too often, control of the abuser continues even after the relationship is over. The abuser changes their emphasis from trying to keep the victim in the relationship to trying to destroy them for leaving it!
Children, Finances, and Finding a Place to Live in Valparaiso

In Valparaiso, victims with children face even greater challenges. In nice communities like Valpo, where the standards of living and expectations are elevated, it is even more difficult to leave. Economic abuse can mean the survivor experiences less confidence and self-esteem. They feel extreme guilt removing their kids from their beautiful homes, the award-winning schools, and the things that they have been told are important.
Some mothers would gladly give up the finer things and even live in their cars rather than continue living with the abuse, but would never consider putting their children in such a position. So they stay!
Let’s face it, Valparaiso is a wonderful town and has everything a loving mother needs, but it’s also very expensive to live in. Unfortunately, Valpo has very few opportunities for victims that need income-restricted housing that is suitable for a family’s needs. More on that later!
Mobile Advocacy & Community Advocates | NWI’s Angels!

If necessity is the mother of invention, The Caring Place’s Mobile Advocacy is the perfect avenue for helping victims find a safe off-ramp from abuse to a new beginning.
Mobile Advocacy creates inconspicuous access points for community members to safely learn about healthy relationships from trained advocates. By creating non-threatening access points, advocates can support community members while flying under the radar. Survivors can also gain confidence and allow the advocates to help them. Many survivors lack the basics we all take for granted, like having credit, money, or even the ability to get a cell phone. This is why your donation to The Caring Place is so vital.
It helps pay for survivors to escape oppression. The donation helps sustain the Caring Place shelter and all the costs associated with starting over. When these victims leave, they often need to do it undercover and leave everything behind. And with the help of Advocates, are offered legal help, restraining orders, and even help to find a place to live in a desirable community like Valparaiso.
Advocate Angels! An Advocate works to connect clients with community resources and can speak on behalf of the client seeking assistance or information from other agencies or individuals.
The Advocate also hosts Mobile Advocacy Events. If you are interested in helping with prevention and awareness events or want to volunteer in other ways, here is a link. The Caring Place Volunteers,
Uptown East & Valpo Restaurants create “Off-Ramp” for Victims of DA

Uptown East Apartments host Mobile Advocacy every two weeks/
The mobile advocacy program requires setting up shops in locations that survivors can frequent safely without alerting their abusers.
But the mission-critical component for the mobile advocacy program is finding local businesses that are willing to host regular “Healthy Relationship Support Groups.” This program relies on partnerships with local restaurants and businesses to create an off-ramp from their circumstances to a fresh start.

Healthy Relationship Support Groups meet at Uptown East Every other Tuesday
Fortunately, Uptown East Apartments is a member of the Valpo Restaurants and loves to volunteer for anything that helps make Valparaiso a special place to live. Larry Gough (owner) has always felt an obligation to pay it forward and hires his General Managers for their passion for the community. His newest GM, Anthony Wire, didn’t take long to demonstrate that Gough hired the right manager. Wire was inspired by our recent $110,000 fundraiser and offered to host six biweekly Mobile Advocate meetings at the Uptown East Apartments impressive lounge.

Uptown East Apartment’s very own, Larry Gough
Wire’s commitment inspired the other members of the Valpo Restaurant Group. After the six Uptown East support group meetings have passed, Wire’s chef friends will take the baton and begin hosting the bi-weekly support group meetings. As of date, the following restaurants have offered to host, including Martinis, Smoketown Blues, Don Quijote, Schiralli Art & Cozy Cafe, and its newest members, Maple + Bacon, and Aftermath Winery.
The Caring Places

Healthy Relationships Support Group
Uptown East Apartment Lobby/Lounge | Every Other Tuesday
March 14 | March 28 | April 11 | April 25 | May 9 | May 23

REGISTRATION | Health Relationships Support Group (Mobile Advocacy)
Helping NWI’s Victims of Violence would take a Miracle!

The Fundraising Miracle broke the silence & raised $110,000. Picture are Elena Jambria, Steve Daly, Denise Koebeke, Carlos Rivero & Jim Jano Janesheski
You may have heard about the 2022 Christmas Fundraiser that raised $110,000 for The Caring Place. This story begins with tragedy and changes for the better instantly! But while the fundraiser that raised $110,000 might seem like a miracle ending, this epic journey isn’t over!
It all started when Carlos Rivero, Steve Daly, Howard Gutenstein, and I met with Denise Koebeke from the Caring Place. Koebeke was realistic about our chances of having a successful fundraiser. She told us that the greatest challenge in raising money for victims of domestic violence is getting people to talk about it. The Caring Place was faced with hidden challenges. People seem to want to sweep the need for helping victims of domestic violence under the rug. Let’s face it, there are economic benefits in painting the picture that a town is perfect. A fundraiser for victims of domestic violence isn’t good for business.
Fortunately, this fundraiser had a secret weapon called search engine optimization (SEO). With Jano-Digital executing the SEO with the big-gun support of Perma-Green, The Valpo Restaurants, Grieger’s Motors, and Uptown East. According to a recent Perma-Green blog, “The Caring Place went from a charity that nobody would talk about to the most talked about nonprofit in Northwest Indiana. By breaking the silence and meeting people online with engaging thought-provoking content, the Northwest Indiana community met the challenge and donated over $110,000.
Here is a great article on what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is and how it broke the silence! and raised $110,000! You might even recognize the author! How SEO, Video & Cast from Valpo Raised $110,000 for Victims of Domestic Violence
People that Love Making Valpo a Special Place to Live!
It would be easy to think the $110,000 our community raised for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault save the day until you realize that that money was already spent. It costs $88,750 per month to run The Caring Place and $2,300 per month to provide food for those in the shelter.
But the victims of abuse still need an affordable place to live in their hometown of Valparaiso. Victims of domestic violence shouldn’t be pushed out of Valparaiso just because they were a victim, on the contrary, they deserve love and compassion. They deserve a nice, safe place to live with modern amenities and near everything Valparaiso has to offer.

Uptown East’s Anthony Wire
As Anthony Wire said in a recent interview, Valpo is special because it’s a small, safe town that still has everything you need. But he also believes a great town like Valpo should offer housing for everyone, including young professionals, restaurant employees, and the victims of domestic violence.
Maybe that’s why Larry Gough hired Wire and the previous Uptown Manager, Ivan Gressley. The tradition of helping the community lives strong at Uptown East Apartments.
Fresh Start and a Beautiful Place to Live for Survivors

Uptown’ East converted luxury apartments with income-restricted values.
Valpo has very few opportunities for victims that need income-restricted housing that is suitable for a family’s needs.
With a long history of supporting Valpo’s community, Larry Gough and his IPA community are developing Valpo’s next great community, called Downtown East. A great community needs quality housing for the next generation of young professionals, but also for the families and survivors of abuse.

The new “Downtown East” is the newest edition at the towers East of Downtown Valpo. Cheers!
You may have noticed some major renovations on the East Towers of Uptown East. These luxury apartments are being refreshed with new appliances and some are being converted to single occupancy. These apartments are distinguished as the Downtown East Apartments and will have single apartment rentals starting as low as $785 for such people as victims, restaurant employees, and anyone that needs the support of income-restricted housing.
How I Can Help!

More Angels of The Caring Place! Sue Swanson, Kaye Frataccia, and Denise Koebeke
1. It starts with breaking the silence that hides the violence. Help someone that you are suspicious is living under the threat of domestic violence or sexual assault. Help them understand that Valparaiso loves them and will be there for them. Contact one of the Angels that work as an advocate of the Caring Place.
2. Spread the word about our “Healthy Relationships Support Group.” This is open to all community members. Let’s prevent unhealthy relationships.
3. Volunteer for the Caring Place. The Caring Place is a lean machine and would not be capable of helping victims without volunteers and community support. Here is a link to a sign-up sheet! The Caring Place Volunteer Form.
4. Host a Healthy Relationships Support Group | Businesses and Restaurants Wanted. Create an Off-Ramp for Victims. If you have space, The Advocates will handle the Rest!
5. Donate! The Caring Place needs financial support. From running the shelter to helping survivors with financial assistance. Here is a direct link to Donate: DONATE LINK
6. Become a Corporate Sponsor. Contact denisek@
7. Donate In-Kind Items to Local Nonprofits. These local nonprofits specialize in receiving your in-kind donation and making them available for victims at no cost.
- New Creation Resale Shop (219) 286-7061 | United Methodist Women Resale Shop (219) 465-0207
- First Presbyterian Resale Shop (219) 462-4281 |St. Paul Clothing Center (219) 462-0074
The Never-Ending Story!
Great communities don’t run from people that are hurt and need help, they pick them up and help them back on their feet. We show them compassion and love!
Valpo Restaurants offered to host meetings and helped with fundraising. Uptown East converted luxury apartments into income-restricted housing for as little as $785 a month. And Jano-Digital, Perma-Green, and Grieger’s Motors leveraged their SEO and digital platforms to raise awareness and revenue.
Let’s keep this miracle story going!
- Written by Jim Jano Janesheski
Uptown Helps Make Valpo Community Best Place to LiveHow SEO, Video & Cast from Valpo Raised $110,000 for Victims of Domestic Violence
Fundraising for Victims of Domestic Violence | Cool Charity.No Boundaries
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